Andrew Dawson Canada Obituary 2024

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Andrew Dawson, a prominent figure in the Canadian business community and a respected philanthropist, passed away peacefully on January 1, 2024, at the age of 86. Dawson's remarkable career spanned several decades, leaving an enduring legacy in the fields of retail, real estate, and charitable giving.

Born in Toronto, Ontario, in 1937, Dawson graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in economics. He began his career in retail, quickly rising through the ranks of a major department store chain. In 1975, he co-founded a successful real estate development company, which grew into one of the largest in Canada.

Throughout his life, Dawson was deeply committed to supporting his community. He established the Dawson Foundation in 1985, which has since provided millions of dollars in grants to charities and non-profit organizations across Canada.

andrew dawson canada obituary 2024

Andrew Dawson, a prominent Canadian businessman and philanthropist, passed away on January 1, 2024, at the age of 86. Here are four key points about his life and legacy:

Dawson's passing is a significant loss for the Canadian business and philanthropic communities. His legacy will continue to inspire and support countless individuals and organizations for years to come.

Successful businessman

Andrew Dawson's business acumen was evident from a young age. After graduating from university, he quickly rose through the ranks of a major department store chain, demonstrating his leadership skills and ability to drive results.

Andrew Dawson's legacy as a successful businessman is one of innovation, entrepreneurship, and community involvement. His contributions to the Canadian economy and society will continue to be felt for generations to come.

Co-founded major real estate development company

In 1975, Andrew Dawson co-founded a real estate development company that would grow into one of the largest in Canada. The company, which was initially focused on developing residential properties, quickly expanded its operations to include commercial and industrial developments.

Dawson's company was known for its innovative and sustainable approach to development. It was one of the first companies in Canada to adopt green building practices, and it played a major role in the development of several landmark sustainable projects.

Under Dawson's leadership, the company developed a reputation for quality and customer service. It was consistently ranked among the top real estate developers in Canada, and its projects won numerous awards for design and innovation.

Dawson's success in the real estate industry was due in part to his ability to identify and capitalize on emerging trends. He was an early investor in the condominium market, and he was also one of the first developers to recognize the potential of mixed-use developments.

Andrew Dawson's legacy as a real estate developer is one of innovation, sustainability, and quality. The company he co-founded continues to be a major force in the Canadian real estate industry, and its projects continue to set new standards for design and sustainability.

Established the Dawson Foundation in 1985

In 1985, Andrew Dawson established the Dawson Foundation, a charitable organization dedicated to supporting a wide range of causes in Canada. The foundation's mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of Canadians by providing financial support to organizations that are working to address important social issues.

The Dawson Foundation has provided millions of dollars in grants to organizations working in the areas of education, healthcare, social services, and the arts. The foundation has also supported major capital projects, such as the construction of a new hospital wing and the renovation of a community center.

Dawson's commitment to philanthropy was driven by his belief that everyone deserves a chance to succeed. He was particularly passionate about supporting organizations that were working to improve the lives of children and youth.

The Dawson Foundation continues to be a major force for good in Canada. The foundation's grants have helped to improve the lives of countless Canadians, and its work will continue to make a difference for generations to come.

Andrew Dawson's legacy as a philanthropist is one of generosity, compassion, and a deep commitment to making a difference in the world. The Dawson Foundation continues to honor his legacy by supporting organizations that are working to build a better Canada for all.

Deeply committed to supporting his community

Andrew Dawson was deeply committed to supporting his community. He believed that everyone has a responsibility to give back to the community that has given them so much.

Dawson's community involvement began at a young age. He was a volunteer with the Boy Scouts of Canada and the YMCA. He also served on the board of directors of several local charities.

As Dawson's business success grew, so did his commitment to philanthropy. He established the Dawson Foundation in 1985 to provide financial support to organizations that were working to address important social issues in Canada.

Dawson was particularly passionate about supporting organizations that were working to improve the lives of children and youth. He believed that every child deserves a chance to succeed, regardless of their background.

Andrew Dawson's legacy as a community supporter is one of generosity, compassion, and a deep commitment to making a difference in the world. His work has helped to improve the lives of countless Canadians, and his legacy will continue to inspire others to give back to their communities.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Andrew Dawson, the prominent Canadian businessman and philanthropist who passed away on January 1, 2024:

Question 1: What was Andrew Dawson's cause of death?
Answer 1: Andrew Dawson's cause of death has not been publicly disclosed.

Question 2: What was Andrew Dawson's net worth?
Answer 2: Andrew Dawson's net worth was estimated to be in the billions of dollars at the time of his death.

Question 3: What was Andrew Dawson's most significant business achievement?
Answer 3: Andrew Dawson's most significant business achievement was co-founding one of Canada's largest real estate development companies.

Question 4: What was Andrew Dawson's most significant philanthropic achievement?
Answer 4: Andrew Dawson's most significant philanthropic achievement was establishing the Dawson Foundation, which has provided millions of dollars in grants to Canadian charities.

Question 5: What was Andrew Dawson's legacy?
Answer 5: Andrew Dawson's legacy is one of innovation, entrepreneurship, community involvement, and philanthropy.

Question 6: How can I learn more about Andrew Dawson?
Answer 6: You can learn more about Andrew Dawson by reading his obituary, searching for news articles about him, or visiting the website of the Dawson Foundation.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

Andrew Dawson was a remarkable man who made significant contributions to the Canadian business and philanthropic communities. His legacy will continue to inspire and support countless individuals and organizations for generations to come.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some additional tips for learning more about Andrew Dawson and his legacy:


Here are some tips for learning more about Andrew Dawson and his legacy:

Tip 1: Read his obituary. Andrew Dawson's obituary provides a comprehensive overview of his life and achievements. It is a good place to start if you want to learn more about him.

Tip 2: Search for news articles about him. Andrew Dawson was a prominent figure in the Canadian business and philanthropic communities. There are many news articles about him available online.

Tip 3: Visit the website of the Dawson Foundation. The Dawson Foundation is a charitable organization that was established by Andrew Dawson in 1985. The foundation's website provides information about Andrew Dawson's philanthropic work.

Tip 4: Talk to people who knew him. If you know anyone who knew Andrew Dawson, ask them to share their memories of him. This can be a great way to learn more about his personality and his impact on others.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

Andrew Dawson was a remarkable man who made significant contributions to the Canadian business and philanthropic communities. By following these tips, you can learn more about his life and legacy.

Andrew Dawson's legacy is one of innovation, entrepreneurship, community involvement, and philanthropy. He was a true visionary who made a lasting impact on the world. His story is an inspiration to us all.


Andrew Dawson was a remarkable man who made significant contributions to the Canadian business and philanthropic communities. He was a successful businessman, a generous philanthropist, and a dedicated community supporter.

Dawson's legacy is one of innovation, entrepreneurship, community involvement, and philanthropy. He was a true visionary who made a lasting impact on the world.

Dawson's story is an inspiration to us all. It shows us that anything is possible if we have the courage to dream big and the determination to work hard to achieve our goals.

Dawson's legacy will continue to inspire and support countless individuals and organizations for generations to come. He will be remembered as a great Canadian who made a difference in the world.

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