10 Wrestlers We Can't Believe Defeated Kurt Angle In A Singles Match

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Kurt Angle is one of the few wrestlers who surpassed the insane potential expected of him. He entered the WWE like a wrecking ball and managed to become the face of wrestling at two different companies for almost two decades. His careers at TNA and the WWE earned him a Hall of Fame spot in both companies and numerous world championships.

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Although Angle's resume includes wins over some of the best wrestlers of all time from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to Brock Lesnar, there are plenty of losses over Angle's career that still leave some fans scratching their heads. This list examines 10 of the most unbelievable losses of Kurt Angles's career. Wrestling fans might not believe it's true. Oh, but it is true!

10 Chyna

Many forget Angle debuted in the Attitude Era of the WWE. A forgotten foe he came across and lost to was Attitude Era staple, Chyna. During an episode of Smackdown in 2000, Chyna competed against a heel Kurt Angle for the European Championship.

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Angle sold Chyna's skills well in this match as it actually looked like it could go either way until Angle struck Chyna with the European Belt, losing the match via DQ. This match has "Attitude" written all over it as it would never make it to air in the modern WWE era.

9 Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin has been given multiple chances to succeed in the WWE and has failed every time. His limited skills on the mat mixed with his average promo skills do him no favors with fans. As of today, Angle's last official match in the WWE was at Wrestlmanie 35 in a loss to Corbin. This (clean) singles match loss to Baron Corbin is one of the most confusing bookings of Angle's entire career. It was a clear attempt to put Corbin over but did nothing for him as there was nothing believable about his win and it made fans hate him even more for "beating" a legend like Angle.

8 EC3

Ethan Carter III or EC3 had a ton of potential but failed to make a splash in the WWE. He received a great push in TNA, becoming TNA World Heavyweight Champion on two occasions. Still, it was clear he was given more than he deserved as TNA fans were never all-in on Carter being "the guy."

Toward the end of Angle's Impact career, he was still TNA World Heavyweight Champion and lost the title to Carter. However, EC3 wasn't able to make an impact in the WWE and has since lived in the mid-card.

7 Eugene

Eugene is one of the gimmicks the WWE would erase from history if they could. A wrestler with "special needs" would have no chance of seeing the light of day, today. Although he was a horrendous gimmick, Eugene did manage to score a few huge wins over his WWE career. Kurt Angle was one of those victories. He actually beat Angle on back-to-back episodes of Raw once via DQ and the other via pinfall. The feud between Eugene and Angle was done for more comedic purposes, making it one of the more cringe-worthy times of Angle's career.

6 Daivari

Daivari is one of the forgotten wrestlers of the Ruthless Aggression era. His controversies outside of the ring (all out of his control and more to do with the gimmick of his character) have overshadowed his high points as a wrestler. Although Daivari was never a "bad" wrestler, he was never at a level of a stud like Angle, so his win over Angler is confusing. He won via count-out during a "Beat The Clock" match on an episode of Raw thanks to Angle chasing down referee Mike Chioda.

5 Chavo Guerrero

Chavo is a great mid-card wrestler. He held his own in almost every company but could never ascend to the main event level thanks to various factors including his inability to get over with fans. He was also wrongfully often compared to his uncle Eddie Guerrero in WWE his whole career which did him no favors.

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In TNA, he did get a signature win over Angle with the help of Hernandez.

4 Wes Brisco

Brisco was the son of a wrestling legend who could never live up to the hype fans pressed upon him. Wes Brisco showed some spurt of greatness early on but was a hard sell for fans since he struggled to stand out in a crowd. He was paired with Angle to help bolster his status, but that did nothing to help him. He did manage to shockingly get one win over Angle during their storyline, but it did little to help Brisco who is now more remembered as a wrestler with a ton of potential who ended up being a bust.

3 Desmond Wolfe

Wolfe suffered from a common TNA curse, getting lost in the shuffle due to poor booking. He was a great wrestler and had the potential to be a star, but his booking and promo skills always held him back. He is often only remembered for his feud with Angle, where Wolfe was victorious in a street fight on an episode of impact. The story was a big moment for Wolfe but did nothing for his long-term career and his win is a "head-scratcher" when his legacy is compared to Angle's in retrospect.

2 Tomko

Tyson Tomko failed to find success in both the WWE and TNA. He had a push as a monster heel in the WWE but quickly disappeared after losing to John Cena. He signed with TNA in 2006 and did nothing memorable outside a few moments in the tag team division. He did get one huge upset win over Kurt Angle thanks to AJ Styles who was a special guest referee. The match was a fluke and Tomko's feud with Angle was also, for the most part, nothing special.

1 Garett Bischoff

Hulk Hogan once called Garett Bischoff "the future of the wrestling business." Fans can add that to the list of "horrible things Hogan has ever said out loud." Garett, son of Eric Bischoff, was a product of clear nepotism as it was evident from his first match he was not ready for a stage at the level of TNA. Fans despised Bischoff jumping over more seasoned (and, frankly, better) talent, making his entire run in TNA tough to watch. He did manage to get a win over Angle in 2012, which, even though it occurred via DQ, is a high point for Garett's career and a low point for Angle's legacy.
