Addison Timlin Net Worth How Much is Timlin Worth?

Publish date: 2024-05-04

addison timlin net worth

Addison Timlin, the talented American actress, has achieved significant success in the entertainment industry. With a net worth of $2 million, she has built a solid financial foundation through her impressive career in film and television. Born on June 29, 1991, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Timlin has captivated audiences with her performances and continues to leave a lasting impact in the industry.

Key Takeaways:

Early Life and Education

Addison Timlin, born on June 29, 1991, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, showed a passion for performing at a young age. At just nine years old, she made her theatrical debut in a national touring company of “Annie.” Balancing her education with her acting career, Timlin attended and graduated from the Professional Performing Arts School in New York City.

Timlin’s early life and education played a significant role in shaping her career. Her exposure to the performing arts at a young age nurtured her talent and instilled a sense of discipline and dedication. Attending a specialized school further honed her skills and provided her with a solid foundation to pursue her dreams.

“I always knew I wanted to be an actress. It was something that came naturally to me, and I couldn’t imagine myself doing anything else,” Timlin once said.

Her early experiences in the performing arts helped Timlin develop into the versatile and talented actress she is today. From a young age, she demonstrated a commitment to her craft, and her educational background provided her with the necessary tools to succeed.

Theatrical Beginnings

Timlin’s theatrical career began to flourish when she landed a notable role in the 2005 production of “Gypsy: A Musical Fable” at the prestigious Paper Mill Playhouse in New Jersey. Playing the character of Baby Louise, Timlin received recognition for her exceptional talent and skills as an actress.

This early stage work at the Paper Mill Playhouse marked a significant milestone in Timlin’s career, setting the stage for her future success in the entertainment industry. The experience allowed her to showcase her abilities and gain valuable exposure within the industry.

YearTheater ProductionRole
2005Paper Mill PlayhouseGypsy: A Musical Fable

Timlin’s theatrical beginnings played a crucial role in shaping her career trajectory, providing her with the necessary experience and recognition to transition into film and television roles successfully.

Theatrical Beginnings

Addison Timlin’s journey in the entertainment industry began with her remarkable theatrical debut. In 2005, she graced the stage at the renowned Paper Mill Playhouse in New Jersey, captivating audiences with her performance in the production of “Gypsy: A Musical Fable.” Timlin portrayed the role of Baby Louise with grace and talent, garnering recognition for her exceptional acting abilities. This early experience on stage laid a solid foundation for Timlin’s subsequent achievements in film and television.

At the Paper Mill Playhouse, Addison Timlin demonstrated her undeniable talent and passion for acting. Her performance in “Gypsy” showcased her ability to bring characters to life and captivate audiences with her stage presence. It was a pivotal moment in her career, helping her gain the experience and exposure necessary to propel her to further success.

The Paper Mill Playhouse, known for its rich history and reputation for staging high-quality productions, provided Addison Timlin with a platform to showcase her talents and establish herself as a promising actress. Her debut at this esteemed theater marked the beginning of a fruitful career that would later extend to the realms of film and television.

Ultimately, Addison Timlin’s theatrical beginnings at the Paper Mill Playhouse served as a launching pad for her subsequent achievements in the entertainment industry. This early exposure to the world of theater laid the groundwork for her future success, providing her with the necessary skills and experience to pursue a multifaceted career in acting.

Addison Timlin theatrical career

Film and Television Career

As Addison Timlin’s career progressed, she made a successful transition from the stage to the screen. She made her screen debut in the 2005 short film “The Isabel Fish” and quickly gained recognition in the industry. Her talent and versatility led to various opportunities in both film and television.

In 2007, Timlin landed a role in the film “Derailed,” which brought her mainstream attention. However, it was her role as Sasha Bingham in the TV series “Californication” that truly solidified her presence in Hollywood. Her portrayal of the provocative and complex character earned her critical acclaim and showcased her ability to captivate audiences.

Throughout her career, Timlin has continued to take on diverse roles that highlight her range as an actress. One notable role is that of Lucinda Price in the film “Fallen,” where she portrays a young girl caught in a supernatural love triangle. Her performance in this film further established her as a rising star in the industry.

2005The Isabel FishUnknown
2007DerailedAmy Schine
2011-2014Californication (TV series)Sasha Bingham
2016Little SisterColleen Lunsford
2016The Long HomeAmber Evans
2016Above SuspicionSusan Smith

Notable Roles

Addison Timlin’s commitment to her craft and her ability to bring depth to her characters have garnered her praise in the industry. With each project, she continues to push boundaries and showcase her talents. Audiences can expect to see more captivating performances from Timlin in the future.

Personal Life

In addition to her successful acting career, Addison Timlin also has a fulfilling personal life. She married fellow actor Jeremy Allen White in 2019, and together they have two beautiful daughters. Their first daughter, Ezer Billie White, was born in 2018, followed by their second daughter, Dolores Wild White, in 2020. Timlin is known for keeping her personal life relatively private, but she occasionally shares glimpses of her family life on social media, giving fans a peek into their happy moments.

Addison Timlin with her family

“Family is everything to me. It’s where I find my greatest joy and support. Being a mother has been an incredible journey, and I am grateful every day for the love and happiness my family brings.”

Timlin values the importance of family and cherishes the time she spends with her loved ones. Despite her busy schedule, she strives to create a balance between her career and family life, ensuring that she is present for the important milestones and moments in her daughters’ lives.

Supportive Relationships

In addition to her immediate family, Timlin also has a strong support system in her relationships with friends and colleagues. She has formed close bonds with many of her co-stars and fellow actors, who provide her with encouragement and camaraderie in the competitive entertainment industry.

These supportive relationships contribute to Timlin’s overall happiness and serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement in her personal and professional life.

Keeping a Balanced Lifestyle

While Timlin is dedicated to her acting career and family, she also understands the importance of self-care and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. She prioritizes her physical and mental well-being by engaging in activities such as yoga, meditation, and regular exercise.

“Taking care of myself is essential for me to show up fully in all aspects of my life. Whether it’s through exercise, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking time for myself, I prioritize self-care to ensure I am in a positive and healthy state of mind.”

By focusing on self-care, Timlin is able to recharge and rejuvenate, allowing her to bring her best self to both her personal and professional endeavors.

Professional Achievements

In her successful acting career, Addison Timlin has achieved significant recognition and acclaim for her performances in both film and television. While she has not won any major awards, her talent and versatility as an actress have garnered critical praise and admiration from audiences.

Timlin’s ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters is evident in her memorable roles. From her portrayal of Baby Louise in the 2005 production of “Gypsy: A Musical Fable” at the Paper Mill Playhouse to her lead role in the film “Fallen,” Timlin has showcased her range and skill as an actress.

In addition to her notable roles, Timlin’s dedication to her craft has also been recognized. She is known for her commitment to fully immersing herself in her roles, undergoing extensive research and preparation to bring her characters to life on screen.

With a promising career ahead of her, Addison Timlin continues to pursue acting opportunities and challenge herself with diverse and compelling roles. Her professional achievements serve as a testament to her talent and passion for her craft.

Addison Timlin professional achievements

Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth

One of the causes close to Addison Timlin’s heart is the LGBTQ+ community. She has been a vocal supporter of the Trevor Project, an organization that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth. Timlin uses her influence and visibility to raise awareness about the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals and to promote acceptance and equality.

Advocating for Mental Health

In addition to her support for LGBTQ+ youth, Timlin also advocates for mental health awareness. She understands the importance of addressing mental health issues and has spoken openly about her own struggles with anxiety. Through her activism, Timlin aims to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage others to seek help and support.

Charitable CauseDescription
LGBTQ+ YouthSupporting organizations like the Trevor Project to provide crisis intervention and suicide prevention services.
Mental HealthRaising awareness and advocating for mental health support systems.
Environmental ConservationSupporting initiatives that promote sustainability and protect the environment.

Timlin’s philanthropic endeavors extend beyond these causes, with a focus on environmental conservation, supporting initiatives that promote sustainability and protect the environment.

Through her charitable work, Addison Timlin demonstrates her commitment to making a difference in the lives of others and using her platform to create positive change. Her dedication to philanthropy sets an example for others in the industry and shows that even small gestures can have a significant impact.

Addison Timlin Net Worth Comparison

When comparing Addison Timlin’s net worth to other celebrities in the entertainment industry, her $2 million fortune may seem modest. However, it’s important to remember that net worth can vary greatly depending on various factors such as career longevity, investments, and endorsements. While some celebrities may have amassed greater wealth, Timlin’s financial success is still commendable considering her relatively young age and the breadth of her acting career.

While Timlin may not be among the highest-earning celebrities, she has achieved significant success in both film and television. Her notable roles in projects like “Californication” and “Fallen” have showcased her talent and versatility, earning her critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. With her dedication to her craft and her ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters, Timlin continues to make a mark in the entertainment industry.

It’s worth noting that net worth is not the sole measure of an individual’s success or talent. Timlin’s achievements and contributions to the industry cannot be solely quantified by her financial worth. Her philanthropic endeavors, support for charitable causes, and dedication to her craft speak volumes about her character and impact beyond monetary figures.

In summary, while Addison Timlin may not have the highest net worth among celebrities, her success in the entertainment industry and the impact she has made through her performances and philanthropy speak volumes about her talent, versatility, and dedication. Net worth should not be the sole measure of an individual’s worth or success, and Timlin’s accomplishments transcend monetary figures.

Future Projects and Expectations

As Addison Timlin continues to make her mark in the entertainment industry, fans and critics eagerly anticipate her future projects and upcoming roles. With her talent and versatility, Timlin is poised to deliver captivating performances that will leave a lasting impact on audiences.

While specific details about her next endeavors have yet to be revealed, Timlin’s impressive body of work thus far suggests that she will continue to choose diverse and challenging roles that push her artistic boundaries. Whether it’s in film or television, Timlin has consistently demonstrated her ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters, captivating viewers with her emotive performances.

As we await announcements about Timlin’s future projects, it’s worth noting that her commitment to her craft and dedication to honing her skills will undoubtedly contribute to the success of her upcoming ventures. With each new role, Timlin has the opportunity to showcase her range and versatility, further solidifying her status as a rising star in the industry.

Anticipated Upcoming Roles:

While these anticipated projects are speculative, they demonstrate the range of possibilities for Timlin’s future career. Given her talent, dedication, and growing acclaim, it’s clear that Addison Timlin’s journey in the entertainment industry is one to watch closely.


In conclusion, Addison Timlin is an incredibly talented American actress with a net worth of $2 million. Throughout her career, she has showcased her versatility and passion for her craft, both on the big screen and in television series. From her early theatrical beginnings to her notable roles in projects like “Californication” and “Fallen,” Timlin has consistently delivered captivating performances that have earned her critical acclaim.

Timlin’s success can also be attributed to her dedication and hard work. She has honed her skills and continued to challenge herself with diverse roles, allowing her to showcase her range as an actress. While she may not have won any major awards, her talent speaks for itself, and she has established herself as a respected and admired figure in the entertainment industry.

Looking ahead, audiences can expect to see more of Timlin’s talent on screen. With her remarkable acting abilities and the potential for new and exciting projects, she is sure to leave a lasting impact. Whether she’s portraying complex characters or immersing herself in philanthropic endeavors, Addison Timlin remains a force to be reckoned with in the world of entertainment.


What is Addison Timlin’s net worth?

Addison Timlin has a net worth of $2 million.

When and where was Addison Timlin born?

Addison Timlin was born on June 29, 1991, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

What are some of Addison Timlin’s notable roles?

Addison Timlin is best known for her roles in the TV series “Californication” and the film “Fallen.”

How many children does Addison Timlin have?

Addison Timlin has two children with her husband, Jeremy Allen White. They have a daughter named Ezer Billie White, born in 2018, and a daughter named Dolores Wild White, born in 2020.

Has Addison Timlin won any major awards?

While Addison Timlin has not won any major awards, her performances have received critical acclaim.

What philanthropic endeavors is Addison Timlin involved in?

Addison Timlin supports various charitable causes and has raised awareness for organizations like the Trevor Project.

How does Addison Timlin’s net worth compare to other celebrities?

Addison Timlin’s net worth of $2 million may be considered modest in comparison to other celebrities in the entertainment industry.

What can we expect from Addison Timlin in the future?

While specific details about Addison Timlin’s future projects are not available, it is expected that she will continue to pursue acting opportunities and explore diverse roles.
