Nazanin Boniadi and Ex Boyfriend Tom Cruise Relationship Timeline Explained

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Nazanin Boniadi and her ex-boyfriend Tom Cruise were in a relationship from November 2004 to January 2005. However, the actress claimed that her partner was violent toward her.

Fans are curious about her as she portrays a new role in The Lord of the rings series. Here are some well-known facts about her personal life.

Nazanin Boniadi and Ex-Boyfriend Tom Cruise Relationship Timeline

Nazanin Boniadi and her ex-boyfriend Tom Cruise had a relationship of fewer than two months. But, the love was a horrifying experience for Boniadi.

According to US Magazine, Shelly Miscavige, the wife of Scientology leader David Miscavige, was in charge of finding a suitable girlfriend for Tom Cruise in 2004. At that time, he had just ended his relationship with his Vanilla Sky co-star Penelope Cruz.

The organization started seeking out actresses who were already Scientology members. They called them in for an audition telling them it was for a role in a new movie, but they asked a series of questions about Cruise.

At that time, Nazanin, the Iranian-born, London-raised actress, also attended the audition, thinking of gaining fame and a name through the movies. But instead, she was tasked with dating Cruise.

She was audited every day since the preparation began in October 2004. She told the high-ranking Scientology official about her private life and innermost secrets. She was asked to let go of her braces, correct her hair color and leave her long-time boyfriend. They made her believe that her partner was cheating on her.

She also reportedly signed a confidentiality agreement. Then, in November, she met Cruise. They dined at Nobu and later retreated to Trump Tower, where Cruise and his entourage had rented an entire floor.

Reports claimed that the two spent that first night together but did not have sexual relations. At that time, Cruise had told her that he had never felt that way. Boniadi was then asked to sign another confidentiality agreement specifically about the actor.

The actress eventually fell in love with Cruise, but she felt that his public display of affection was overwhelming. The two of them reportedly lived together and even shared a bedroom. Moreover, she had credit card issues under the name of Cruise’s production company.

By the third week of January, she was asked to move into Scientology’s Celebrity Centre, where she was told that Cruise was breaking up with her. The reason was that she had asked David Miscavige to repeat himself, which is considered highly offensive in Scientology. However, when she asked why he could not break up with her in person, she was told that he should not be disturbed.

She felt heartbroken and shared about her relationship with one of her pals in the Scientology center in Florida. But, the pal reported her, and she was allegedly punished for violating confidentiality.

According to sources, she had to scrub toilets, dig ditches at night, and clean bathroom tiles. Later, she was also tasked with selling Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics on street corners.

Later, she testified that Cruise was loving at the beginning of their relationship, but he started throwing temper tantrums later. She also shared that she felt like a victim of white slavery.

Nazanin Boniadi Past Relationships Explained

Nazanin Boniadi went through terrfiying expericen when she dated Tom Cruise. She was made to do manual labor by Scientology because she shared about her relationship with the actor to one of her pals breaching the confidentiality contract.

She broke up with him in 2005. Ever since that time, there has been no news about her love life in public. It is believed that she focused her time and efforts into her career.

She has not been spotted with any man in public or there have been no rumored fling about her either. While she has shared about how Cruise turned violent after soemtime into their relation, she has, however, no talked about how it affected her.

It is not confirmed if the actress does not have any interest in being in love or she is waiting for the right one. She does not talk about her romantic life.

Nazanin Boniadi Has A Role In Lord Of Rings: The Power of Rings

Nazanin Boniadi plays the role of a mother and a healer named Bronwyn, who also runs an apothecary in the Southlands. The character was created specifically for the TV show and is not found in any of J.R.R. Tolkien’s original writings, as per Iran Wire.

During an appearance at Comic-Coon in San Diego, she has given a special tribute to “the heroic women of Iran who risk all for a brighter tomorrow” by dedicating her performance to the series. She referred to them as Iranian lionesses in a tweet and dedicated her work to them.

The series was released on September 2, 2022, and fans cannot wait to see how the story unfolds.

Who Are Nazanin Boniadi Family?

Nazanin Boniadi was born after the Iranian Revolution in Tehran, Iran. Soon after, less than a month after her birth, she and her parents fled Iran.

They applied to be political refugees in London, where the actress was raised. Her mother, Fara Sherazi, was a Scientologist, making Boniadi follow in her footsteps.

However, after her crazy experience with Cruise, she left the church. There are no additional details about her father or any siblings.
