Are Zach Thomas and Joe Thomas related? Exploring HOF LB's family

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Zach Thomas officially took his place in the Pro Football Hall of Fame on Saturday alongside Ronde Barber, Don Coryell, Chuck Howley, Joe Klecko, Darrelle Revis, Ken Riley, Joe Thomas, and DeMarcus Ware. The class of 2023 had a memorable enshrinement ceremony at Canton, Ohio.

As Zach and Joe were the two Hall of Famers with the same last name, fans have been curious to learn whether the duo are related. However, the two former footballers are not related by blood despite having the same surname.

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Zach Thomas was born in Pampa, Texas, on September 1, 1973, to parents Steve and Bobby Thomas. He has an older brother, Bart Thomas, and a younger sister, Katina Thomas.

Katina was married to Zach's former Miami Dolphins teammate, Jason Taylor and has three children with him. However, the couple divorced after 15 years of marriage in February 2015.

Zach attended White Deer high school before graduating from Texas Tech. He married his longtime partner Maritza Thomas in 2006 and the couple has three children together.

Exploring the personal life of Cleveland Browns legend Joe Thomas

Joe Thomas with his wife Annie

Meanwhile, Joe Thomas was born in Brookfield, Wisconsin, on December 4, 1984, to Eric and Sally. He attended Brookfield Central high school and graduated from Wisconsin College in 2006.

Joe married his partner Annie in 2007 and the couple has four children together. Their kids are named Logan, Camryn, Jack, and Reese.

Much to Joe's delight, his entire family was present and cheering for him at his enshrinement ceremony on Saturday.

Comparing Zach Thomas and Joe Thomas' NFL careers

Former Miami Dolphins LB Zach Thomas

Zach Thomas played 13 seasons in the big league. The Miami Dolphins picked the linebacker in the fifth round of the 1996 NFL draft.

During his 12-year sojourn in Miami, Zach earned seven Pro Bowl honors and five First-Team All-Pro honors as well before joining the Dallas Cowboys on a one-year deal in 2008. The linebacker had a brief offseason stint with the Kansas City Chiefs in 2009 before calling it quits with football.

Across his 13 years in the league, Zach racked up 1,734 tackles, 20.5 sacks, 17 interceptions, 16 forced fumbles and four touchdowns.

Joe Thomas spent 11 seasons in the NFL with the Cleveland Browns from 2007 to 2017. He holds the record for the consecutive snaps played at 10,363.

The offensive tackle made 10 straight Pro Bowls and was a six-time All-Pro while also receiving the Browns Ring of Honor. Joe played 167 games before officially announcing his retirement on March 14, 2018.

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