Chester Bennington's Tragic Real-Life Story

Publish date: 2024-05-08

During an interview with iHeart Radio in February 2017, Chester Bennington spoke with candor about the inspiration behind Linkin Park's song "Heavy" — notably in connection to his struggle with mental illness. "I don't know if anybody out there can relate, but I have a hard time with life ... sometimes," he said at the time (via Blabber Mouth). "Sometimes it's great, but a lot of times for me, it's really hard."

Admitting that he tended to repeatedly fall back on certain bad behaviors, Bennington wondered how he often ended up in the same predicaments, but ultimately blamed being too much "inside" his own mind as the main culprit. "This place right here, this skull between my ears, that is a bad neighborhood, and I should not be in there alone," the singer explained, before adding that it would get to the point where his entire life would get knocked off-kilter. "If I'm in there, I don't say nice things to myself," Bennington said. "There's another Chester in there that wants to take me down."
