Loretta Lynn Proved Nothing Can Stop Love; She Was 15 When She Married Her Husband of 50 Years

Publish date: 2024-05-09

American country star Loretta Lynn married Oliver “Doolittle” Lynn when she was just fifteen years old, and despite living through some difficult moments, she stayed married to him until the day he died.

Oliver Lynn also called Doo or Mooney was a talent manager in the country music industry. He was a force behind her successful career and helped her develop her talent and promoted her to become the legend she is today.

Their marriage began when Loretta was just fifteen, and he was twenty-one. In her autobiography “Still Woman Enough,” Loretta says,

“I married Doo when I was but a child, and he was my life from that day on. But as important as my youth and upbringing was, there’s something else that made me stick to Doo. He thought I was something special, more special than anyone else in the world, and never let me forget it. That belief would be hard to shove out the door. Doo was my security, my safety net.”

Her autobiography in 1976 called “Coal Miner’s Daughter” established that she really was a child marrying at thirteen, a shocking fact that was eventually corrected after her official birth certificate showed that she was three years older than she had allowed people to believe.

The couple had six children together. And the family has grown by leaps and bounds since. Loretta is a grandmother to twenty-seven and a great-grandmother to sixteen.

Music filled the Lynn household from the begin, and Loretta passed on her passion for music to her children through songs she would sing to them during their growing up years. Oliver and Loretta’s twins, Peggy and Patsy, have chosen a career in music just like their famous mom. And they both married musicians, too.

Their mom couldn’t be prouder of the duo who call themselves “The Lynns”, saying,

“I thought they should work together. But I had to wait till they took a notion to do it themselves.”
