What Happened that Led to The Guns N Roses Legends Divorce from His Famous Wife?

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Daren Jay “DJ” Ashba, formerly of GUNS N’ ROSES and SIXX: A.M., and Nathalia Henao, an Italo-Colombian influencer known as Natyash, have separated.

The singer and producer, who is 50 years old, posted the following on his social media accounts this morning (Sunday, February 12): “Even though we were married for 9 wonderful years, Naty and I have chosen to divorce.

“I shall never forget the kindness and generosity you’ve given to us. Divorce is never easy, but we still love and respect each other very much.

The pair met in Rome in 2010, and after a tumultuous proposal in August 2013 that featured a romantic trip in a Las Vegas police helicopter, they announced their engagement.

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Ashba proposed with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne at the end of the helicopter trip over city hall. But after Ashba tweeted his gratitude to the Las Vegas police, the agency opened an internal inquiry to see whether any rules were broken.


In September 2013, Ashba wed Henao in Las Vegas. The Little Church of the West, an 80-year-old chapel where celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton and Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford have tied the knot, was the setting for the wedding attended by a dozen friends and family members.

DJ’s song from last year, “Malosa,” is a dance/rock mix he labels GDM, and features vocals from his wife (Guitar Dance Music). An early version of “Malosa” was published by Natyash earlier last year. According to a press release, “top-tier sites” have praised the song, including Billboard Argentina, Univision, Extra, and more.
